a multiplier circuit

a multiplier circuit
An integrated analog multiplier circuit.
Disclosed is a digital multiplier-accumulator circuit utilizing a carry save adder tree, pipeline register and carry select adder. Also disclosed is a digital multiplier.
IEEE Xplore - A low voltage supply four-quadrant analog multiplier.
Patent US6035384 - Solid state disk drive address generator with.
Mechanically Verifying a Family of Multiplier Circuits.
IEEE Xplore - A UHF voltage multiplier circuit using a threshold.
Patent US7089276 - Modular Galois-field subfield-power integrated.
Patent US5703509 - Frequency multiplier circuit - Google Patents.
Nov 14, 2007. Each stage of this multiplier is a doubler circuit and is made up of (2) Capacitors and (2) Diodes. On the positive half-cycle of the input, the ca.
a multiplier circuit operatively connected to the input port and receiving two multiplicands from the input port, a first multiplicand being a block number and a.
A multiplier circuit has a partial AND generating portion generating n in number of partial AND's as products of a multiplied value and respective bits of n-bit.
a conjugate multiplier circuit that computes a nybble numerator;. a nybble. a multiplier circuit that multiplies the inverse of the nybble denominator by the nybble.
The multiplier circuit has as input signals an M bit multiplicand and an N bit multiplier and outputs a M+N bit product. The multiplier circuit includes a number of.
A frequency multiplier circuit that needs no coupling capacitors and no input bias circuits for a next-stage circuit, which includes a phase-shifted signal generator.
The operating range of passive UHF transponder systems is largely determined by the tag current consumption and the rectifier efficiency. Reading ranges of.
A matrix multiplier circuit which is based on distributed arithmetic is disclosed. In the conventional matrix multiplier circuit, one row of J elements from a data.
a multiplier circuit
Patent US5144575 - High speed floating point type multiplier circuit.